T&C for RM150 Cash Voucher
- Voucher codes are applicable selected customers only
- Voucher codes are not refundable or exchangeable to any monetary form.
- Voucher code is only valid on 9th of September 2019 from 12:00pm Noon to 12:00am Midnight
- Voucher code is only applicable for OXWHITE Business Backpack
- OXWHITE reserves the rights to cancel or amend this promotion at any said time, without prior notice.
- OXWHITE reserves the rights to cancel any orders at any time, without prior notice if voucher codes are misused or orders placed which does not meet the requirements.
- Voucher codes are not refundable or exchangeable to any monetary form.
- Voucher code is only valid on 9th of September 2019 from 12:00pm Noon to 12:00am Midnight
- Voucher code is only applicable for OXWHITE Business Backpack
- OXWHITE reserves the rights to cancel or amend this promotion at any said time, without prior notice.
- OXWHITE reserves the rights to cancel any orders at any time, without prior notice if voucher codes are misused or orders placed which does not meet the requirements.